Comparing Tumbled, Honed, Brushed and Polished Surfaces
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When it comes to choosing the right surface finish for your project, there are several options to consider. Tumbled, honed, brushed, and polished surfaces each have their own unique characteristics and advantages. In this blog post, we will compare these different surface finishes to help you make an informed decision. What is a Tumbled Surface? A tumbled surface is achieved by tumbling the stone tiles in a machine with abrasive materials. This process creates a weathered and worn look, giving the tiles a rustic and aged appearance. Tumbled surfaces are often used in outdoor applications and can add a charming...
The Split Face & Stacked Stone 101
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What is Split Face & Stacked Stone? Split face and stacked stone are popular choices for adding a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any space. These stone veneers are made from real stone, carefully cut and arranged to create stunning visual effects. Split face stone features a rough, textured surface that adds depth and dimension to walls, while stacked stone showcases a more uniform and stacked appearance. Why Choose Split Face & Stacked Stone? There are several reasons why split face and stacked stone have become go-to options for homeowners and designers: Authenticity: Split face and stacked stone...
Selecting the Best Pool Tile
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What are the factors to consider when selecting pool tiles? When it comes to selecting the best pool tile, there are several important factors to consider. These factors include durability, slip resistance, design, and maintenance requirements. How important is durability? Durability is a crucial factor to consider when choosing pool tiles. Since pool tiles are constantly exposed to water, chemicals, and weather conditions, they need to be able to withstand these elements without deteriorating. Look for tiles that are specifically designed for pool use and are resistant to fading, cracking, and chipping. What about slip resistance? Slip resistance is another...